Print USPS First Class, Media Mail, Parcel Mail Postage for FREE!

Got this from SlickDeals: Print First Class, Media Mail, and Parcel Mail postage through PayPal. After you login, just select USPS and then just set up the label and print! only supports printing Priority Mail and Express Mail labels on their website. I could never figure out why the wouldn’t let us print out labels and postage on their site. The only reason I could think of was with the ‘ease’ created, a bunch of USPS employees would have to be laid off.

There are other services such as Pitney Bowes (service PayPal goes through) which allows you to print postages online, but they all charge a fee or a subscription. This is what makes PayPal’s postage printing service so great! Nothing beats FREE! Unless you actually make money back.

Random Crap:

I have so much random crap queued, it’s not even funny. I haven’t visited pya! in over a month. That’s going to be fun when I actually have to go back and check out all those images. Hopefully I’ll be able to spread the links over the next few days. Also, I may be incorrect on who I got the links from, so if you do find a mistake, please let me know and I’ll fix it.

Cute Overload! 😉 (from deadlock) – At Cute Overload®, we scour the Web for only the finest in Cute Imageryâ„¢. Imagery that is Worth Your Internet Browsing Time. We offer an overwhelming amount of cuteness to fill your daily visual allowance. Drink it in! Most of the pictures are mediocre, but some are SO CUTE!!!

cute puppies biting nose

Agents’ visit chills UMass Dartmouth senior (from /.) – A senior at UMass Dartmouth was visited by federal agents two months ago, after he requested a copy of Mao Tse-Tung’s tome on Communism called “The Little Red Book.” The actual book is titled Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. Here’s the online edition. Is the McCarthy era starting again?

Animated Singing Santa Hack (from /.) – I’m sure you’ve seen this Santa in malls and such, but this guy managed to hack it to sing Christmas songs with different words. You should be able to find the videos in the 3rd paragraph (not linked since author requested it).

Riddle of “corpse bride” draws crowdsIs the tall, slender bridal figure in the window a richly detailed shop’s dummy or, as a local legend says, the decades-old embalmed corpse of the former store owner’s daughter? It’s funny how the image looks quite similar to one of the characters in the recent movie Corpse Bride.

The truth about shutdown. (from /.) – Link’s text says it all.

2005 Year-End Google Zeitgeist (from /.) – It turns out that looking at the aggregation of billions of search queries people type into Google reveals something about our curiosity, our thirst for news, and perhaps even our desires. Considering all that has occurred in 2005, we thought it would be interesting to study just a few of the significant events, and names that make this a memorable year. (We’ll leave it to the historians to determine which ones are lasting and which ephemeral.) We hope you enjoy this selective view of our collective year. It’s always fun to see which search queries were done the most often.

Computer worm traps child porn offenderA child porn offender in Germany turned himself in to the police after mistaking an email he received from a computer worm for an official warning that he was under investigation, authorities said Tuesday. “It just goes to show that computer worms aren’t always destructive,” said a spokesman for police in the western city of Paderborn. “Here it helped us to uncover a crime which would otherwise probably have gone undetected.”

Dumped pets “don’t match new sofa”Britons have abandoned their pets because they didn’t match new sofas or carpets, the RSPCA said on Tuesday as it issued its annual warning that animals should not be given as Christmas presents. If I get a puppy, should I be happy or angry?

Born with no arms (from deadlock) – This guy is amazing! What he can do with just his feet is just miraculous!

EU commissioner unhappy with Google, Microsoft, and YahooThere’s a lot of money to be made in China right now if you’re willing to play by the government’s rules—especially when it comes to censorship—and plenty of American companies are. A few months back, for instance, Yahoo turned over e-mail written by a reporter to the Chinese government, which then threw the reporter in jail, where he is currently serving a ten-year sentence. Or take Microsoft, who in June was discovered to be blocking words such as “freedom,” “democracy,” and “demonstration” in blogs hosted on MSN in China. And finally there’s Google, which last year was found to be omitting links to news sources that were banned by the Chinese government. Do you think companies should be allowed to compromise moral judgements in order to compete with others?

Tokyo Store Selling Diamond-Studded CakeThe economy is finally picking up, and Tokyoites are in a spending mood this winter. So how better to celebrate Christmas than with a diamond-studded, $1.7 million cake?

Double-Mouthed Fish Pulled From Neb. LakeThis fish didn’t have a chance. A rainbow trout pulled out of Holmes Lake last weekend had double the chance to get hooked: It had two mouths.

Polite Bank Robber Waits to Be ArrestedA polite bank robber was ordered evaluated at a Buffalo hospital after taking $50 and waiting for police to arrest him. I wonder why he wanted to be arrested…

The Top 10 weirdest case mods (from /.) – all the mods were pretty neat!

New Jersey: Land without sarcasmA list of five possible slogans released on Wednesday leaves out “New Jersey: We can always use another relative on the payroll,” and “Come to New Jersey: It’s not as bad as it smells.”

Live at the World Hobby Festival (from Tera – NOT WORK SAFE) – The World Hobby Festival was held at Tokyo Bigh Sight on December 23rd, a fair for both professionals and people like you and me that are into small figurines. Danny of also have tons of pictures, (make sure to have a look) and myself went there and had a look at this incredible world of fantasy. They have tons of figurine photos! Pretty neat!

The Evolution of a Programmer (from tolik) – Evolution from Jr. High to Chief Executive. Pretty funny joke, yet so true.

Audibility Of Distortion – Interactive Listening Test (from ungsunghero) – I ended up only being able to tell distortions up to about -18dB. Though my excuse is probably I was using the crappy earphones that come with my iPod.

Facts About Guys (from Moochfish) – A counter from what guys should know about girls. Pretty funny.

15 Replies to “Print USPS First Class, Media Mail, Parcel Mail Postage for FREE!”

  1. I tried to follow your instructions about using PayPal to make out First Class labels with postage. I never found anywhere that even mentioned USPS. Could you be more precise? Thanks.

    1. It may be worthwhile to note that you must enable Flash to use the PayPal multi-order printing capability. That said, I appreciate learning about this service as I have only been able to do this in the past using Endicia or, each of which charge for the service.

      Thanks for posting the info. I found your page through Google searching for “print first class postage label.” Your page was at about position 6 or 7 on the search results.

      — James

  2. I can not figure out how to do this either. Every place is for items purchased through eBay and paid for with PayPal. I use that all the time but I would like to be able to print Media mail postage. I use to just be able to put stamps on my packages and put them in my mail box but now my mail person is saying I can’t do that. Please be more specificate on how do do this. I do not find a place to select USPS or UPS when I log on to my account at PayPal. thanks

  3. Thanks Krunk. I have been trying to do this forever without having to sell the item on eBay in order to use Paypal to print the label and ship. Your “given URL” got me right to my Paypal account. Logged in and picked USPS and there is a screen to input your information manually. Can now ship anything using First Class, Priority, Media Mail, Parcel Post… anything without having the restriction of selling it on eBay. Added the URL to my Bookmarks. Thanks a heap!!!!

  4. You cannot print standard First Class from PayPal, only First Class Package Mail, which is $ 1.17 for 1 ounce, plus the mandatory 18c Del. Conf.

  5. Hey who did you get Those dog to do that because it is very cute and I would like to have a pic. Hey do you think you could send me a one, I would love one. Hey did you know I want to have a little pic. Why were they bitting noses.

  6. Hey thank you! I was just about ready to give up on the idea of using PayPal to print media mail labels to ship something I sold on when I found your site. The URL you posted worked as advertised and I’ve bookmarked it for future reference. 😀

  7. OMG! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I just found out that I can’t buy first class postage through and wasn’t willing to pay $4 more to ship a small package. Your link took me to a page on paypal that I didn’t even know existed. I have now bookmarked it for future reference! I could KISS you! 🙂

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