Comments on: Sherbert vs Sorbet After eliminating all other possibilities, the one remaining-no matter how unlikely-must be the truth. Tue, 14 Apr 2009 02:29:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Krunk Tue, 14 Apr 2009 02:29:56 +0000 Awesome info jon. Thanks 🙂

By: jon Tue, 14 Apr 2009 01:58:29 +0000 Sorbet vs. Sherbet
The difference between sorbet and sherbet is that sherbets contain milk or another fat, making it similar to ice cream. Generally thought of as being fruit based, sorbets can be made with any ingredient.
Sorbets are technically ices (as in Italian ice) and are also referred to as granitas. They were actually the first iced dessert, probably having been invented by the Asians and then introduced to the Middle East and Italy. They are generally granular in texture where sherbet is creamy as a result of the added fat.
The smoothness of a sorbet is also dependent on the secondary ingredients because of how they can change the structure of the frozen recipe. More or less sugar or alcohol or even the amount of water will make a big difference in the texture of the recipe.

By: christina Fri, 20 Jul 2007 02:02:11 +0000 sherbet has milk .. sorbet does not .. sherbet is creamier – more like icecream than sorbet .. sorbet is frozen, ice-y like italian ice .. sherbeRt, with a second “r”, is “sherbet” spelled incorrectly
