Got my health screening numbers today. Apparently my numbers look excellent according to the health consultant.
Body Fat: 15.9% (Recommended: 10 – 20)
BMI: 22.3 (Normal Weight: 18.5 – 24.9)
Total Cholesterol: 153 (Desirable: < 200)
HDL: Cholesterol: 69 (Exceptional: ≥ 60)
LDL Cholesterol: 74 (Optimal: < 100)
Triglycerides: 52 (Normal: < 150)
Glucose: 89 (Normal: < 99)
Blood Pressure: 115 / 64 (Normal: < 120 / < 80)
Looks like the last time I posted #s were back in 2007. Most #s look pretty much the same, though I significantly brought down my body fat and BMI. My HDL cholesterol also jumped up quite a bit. I presume that’s good. Haha.
It’s also interesting to see how some of the desirable/normal ranges have shifted.
I wonder if the reason I didn’t get my #s for 2008 and 2009 was because I was too lazy (my general way of living) or if I was afraid to know the results given that was when I sort of let myself go. Haha. I want to say it’s because I’m lazy, but now I’m not so sure.
Along the way, I also got my flu shot. Derek finally convinced me, even though he doesn’t get them on his own. Haha. Let’s see if I get a slight fever this time as I usually do with flu shots. ;p