romance – Krunk4Ever! After eliminating all other possibilities, the one remaining-no matter how unlikely-must be the truth. Tue, 17 May 2011 07:15:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Moccona Quest (Cinderella Ad) Sat, 24 May 2008 13:07:33 +0000 Continue reading "Moccona Quest (Cinderella Ad)"

So Tera showed me this ad: Moccona coffee: Quest Cendrillon Cinderella. I don’t usually blog about advertisements (well, unless they’re on my site), but this ad was just too good that I wanted to share. The music was just so amazing and I spent hours trying to find it but only to hit a dead end. The story the commercial tells is also really sweet. If you don’t want the commercial to be ruined, skip to the next paragraph. Or else read on and be spoiled! [Begin Spoilers] It’s similar to the Cinderella glass slipper story, where this guy goes around town with a glass cap trying to find the coffee jar which the cap fits in. One by one, he rejects woman after woman, but ultimately finding the one and only girl. I guess one can only imagine how awesome the party must’ve been if someone dropped their coffee cap. ;p [End Spoilers]

There’s actually a longer version (80 seconds vs 60 seconds) on their homepage: Moccona Coffee – Never settle for less than special. At first I didn’t notice any differences, but as I watched them side by side, I realize that it showed more of the women’s responses.

While searching for the music, I found this page: Moccona Coffee in Quest for Romance

The Quest was developed at M&C Saatchi, Sydney, by creative director Ben Welsh, art director Michael Jones, copywriter Lizzie O’Hara-Boyce, agency producer Rod James.

Filming was shot on location in Montevideo, Uruguay, by Noah Marshall via The Sweet Shop, with director of photography Ian McCarroll, and producer Tony Whyman.

Post production was done at Digipost and Fin Design in New Zealand.

Moccona is a brand of coffee produced by the Dutch corporation Douwe Egberts and popular in Australia and New Zealand. The coffee is regarded as one of the superior brands in the market. In my household Moccona jars are kept to store nuts and confectionery. The lid does look as though as it could have been formed by the sea.

Inside the comment area, M&C Saatchi posted:

Thanks for the comments guys. The music was created for us by composer Elliott Wheeler through Nylon Studios in Sydney. We’re soon going to post an mp4 on the website that you’ll be able to download. For a ltd time there’s also a longer (80sec) version up there.

In the posted YouTube video, Mocconateam posted:

Thanks for all the positive feedback – we’re glad you like the work.
The commercial was filmed in Montevideo, by a director called Noah Marshal from The Sweetshop (Aukland). We cast all the actors locally except for the hero and the blonde woman who came from Argentina. The music was by a composer called Elliott Wheeler who we commissioned specially for the job through Nylon Studios here in Sydney, Australia.

Since the music was “specially commissioned” for this advertisement, that means it’s no where to be found besides ripping it from the ad. I also wasn’t able to find the .mp4 file that they mention would be posted on their homepage.

Update: Thanks to Chriszam for letting me know that Moccona has released the mp3 for the track on their homepage. The mp3 is zipped up into a 1.2MB file: Download


Update #2: blufindr pointed out the cute girl in the ad is Caitlin Stasey (an Australian actress that played Rachel Kinski in Neighbours).

Caitlin Stasey Cute Girl from Moccona Quest Ad (Cinderella)

I will admit they do look very similar and Moccona is an Australian coffee, though I still have my doubts. I did a search on Caitlin Stasey and Maccona and found nothing that linked them together. Also, the director noted: We cast all the actors locally except for the hero and the blonde woman who came from Argentina. The heroine isn’t blonde, so I would’ve assumed she was cast locally, meaning she would’ve been from Montevideo (largest city, the capital and chief port of Uruguay). Caitlin Stasey on the other hand was born in Melbourne, Australia.

Update #3: Thanks to marcus6 for identifying the mystery girl as Uruguayan actress Ana Lia Badani:

Ana Lia Badani

You can see more pictures of her on her official site.

Update #4: Looks like the removed the mp3 from their servers. Here’s a mirror: 01-Moccona-Quest.mp3. Enjoy!

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