- @fearthecowboy Have you seen this chart? http://static.arstechnica.net/assets/2010/10/DL_MobileLawsuits2-thumb-640xauto-17037.png in reply to fearthecowboy #
- @ericborz @ellism Is the lawnmower move the same as the pushing the shopping cart? #
- @0xFCAF I presume you mean something like http://bit.ly/cWMV3J http://bit.ly/amunDe in reply to 0xFCAF #
- Android fans may dig this shirt: http://www.tanga.com/products/andy-nomming-on-apple-t-shirt #
- This was rather cool! iPhone Rock Band Performs Live on New York Subway via @mashable: http://youtu.be/NAllFWSl998 Take Me Out – Atomic Tom #