- A bit late to the game, but it looks like BofA is finally accepting deposits via your smart phone: http://t.co/1aG56in5 #
- Apparently there's a giant Wikipedia article debating which is better: Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese http://t.co/vfrFMQ5s #
- Ever need a temp phone # people can reach you at, but don't want to give out your actual #? Then @burnerapp is for you: http://t.co/SjyGjtew #
- @RandomEtc @wcrtr @burnerapp Certain credit cards already have virtual cc # generators: Citi, Discover, BofA, Fidelity in reply to RandomEtc #
- I tried to type http://t.co/NmkpwQ08 3x and ended up at newst[.]com all 3x. I've been conditioned to hit w after hitting ne. #TooMuchJava #
- @mendkr You should check out the Trigger Happy camera remote: http://t.co/qRdsppHK Their KickStarter page has more info http://t.co/44mAvGfo #
- @daringfireball Probably similar to how Google Voice and other VoIP providers acquire phone #s but they just cycle through them. in reply to daringfireball #
- Cool shirt! http://t.co/RcPTwYtG http://t.co/lFvrPhgK #
- It's mind boggling that they don't make sun screen sprays in 3oz or less. #