I’m so f*cked tonite. CS project is due tomorrow and I barely started it. Guess that’s what procrastination brings you. Then I have Math53 (multivariable calculus) hw due Tuesday! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I’m so screwed. I shouldn’t even be here tonite, but I’m so bored so maybe this’ll help release some tension.
Thanks to my buddy Panzer, he sent me this hilarious music video: YATTA!. It’s ~27megs and I got a great kick out of it. May seem weird to some and even disturbing, therefore I warn you to watch this at your own risk. -_^x I’ll probably remove the file in a week or so to conserve space.
Btw, I got MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) back up and running. Currently I have 60+ games running through this emulator. You can download a lot of roms from www.mame.dk, but downloads to me were extremely slow. Great classics like Marvel VS Capcom, Samurai Showdown, and etc are available on this emulator. Enjoy! Email me if you have any questions running it. (now I know where my who weekend went, hehe ;p)
One last thing, if you haven’t noticed, my website is now running off ocf.berkeley.edu. www.krunk.tk is now redirecting to the new location, so if you bookmarked that, you have no need to worry/change. Updates and loading time should be a lot faster now.