Was going to blog about my new file server, but that’ll have to wait.
After eating a chips ahoy cookie yesterday, I suddenly had an immense toothache. One of my teeth has been aching recently and when I tongued it, I can feel a small hole. I’m thinking, either a big cavity has formed or my filling is broken off. It’s hard to measure size with tongue as it just felt like a gaping hole.
So I went to Rite Aid after work today for 2 items, one of those dental mirrors so I can see what the heck is going on with that tooth and the other was for some pineapple coconut ice cream.
Finding the dental mirror was rather simple. They had 3 options: $6.99, $7.99, and $8.99, all which also came with 2 of those teeth scratching thingies. I opted for the cheap one cause all I really needed was the mirror.
Anyway when I walked in, I had noticed they didn’t have an ice cream counter. However, I was even shocked to find out their ice cream section was almost completely empty. Looking at the tags, it didn’t look like they carried any Thrifty/Rite Aid brand ice cream. I was highly disappointed.
When I got home, I shot this email over to Rite Aid customer service.
I’m from California and recently moved up to Washington. I’ve always been a big fan of Thrifty/Rite Aid ice cream and had a craving for some pineapple coconut ice cream today.
However, I was disappointed that the Rite Aid next to work did not have an ice cream stand nor sold any of Thrifty’s/Rite Aid’s famous ice cream in the frozen section.
I was wondering if there are any Rite Aids around my area that do have an ice cream stand or sell Thrifty/Rite Aid brand ice cream.
Yes, I really WANT pineapple coconut ice cream.
Then I went to check out my tooth. Turns out the 2nd tooth left of my left canine did in fact have a big hole where filling once used to be. Whenever I eat something sweet or cold, it sends chills down my body. Guess I’ll be using my right jaw for awhile now.
My initial guess is that I had chewed or something hard and my filling didn’t like that. Could be all the ice I chew all the time.
I really need a dentist recommendation up here. If anyone’s got a good one, please let me know.
If you’re wondering if I’ll be giving up sweets and cold stuff in the meantime, the answer is a rather clear NO. Give me sweets or give me death!
Upon further inspection, it doesn’t appear the filling has fallen off, but actually part of my tooth. With my Canon SD1000 in macro mode and no flash mode and with the help of my LED flashlight, I took these 2 pictures (DO NOT CLICK IF YOU ARE EASILY GROSSED):

It looks like the filling didn’t crack and is rather smooth on where this new hole is. I wonder how I managed to crack this hole… It looks exceptionally dirty and I even went to use mouthwash after seeing the 1st picture. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to have help as you can see in the 2nd picture. As you can see, the rest of my teeth are pretty clean. I guess my toothbrush can’t reach into that tiny hole.
Grrrrr. I really need to see a dentist asap now.